Who are the Six Best Footballers in South Australia?
Who are the best six footballers in South Australia? The question requires earnest consideration before attempting to name even one of the six. I would select R. Snell (West), A. J. Ryan (South), L. C. Dayman (Port), R. Osborn (Torrens), J. Wade (Port), and L. Mutton (Norwood). To be able to stand up to vigor is essential in a champion player.
What qualities must a player possess to entitle him to attain such eminence? I think that the standard upon which to work is the ability of a player to gain possession of the ball and the effective use that he makes of it. It matters little whether the player is a dashing high mark, possesses a keen sense of anticipation, or is a clever ground player.
Another factor to be considered is consistency. The South Australian League has champions of one week who are perhaps not worth their place in the side the next. This type of player cannot be considered. Present form must be given preference to past performances. Then there is the individual who cannot be relied upon to play up to form in a hard game, when bumps abound and beg pardons are scarce. To be classed a champion, a footballer must be able to stand up to vigor. He should excel when the strain is greatest.

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R. Snell (West)
Now where, in the 150 odd league players, can six individuals be found capable of fulfilling these qualifications? After carefully going through the names I cannot see anyone who better fills the bill than Snell, centreman of West Adelaide. Although not a dazzling high mark, Snell is better than average in the air. He has a safe pair of hands. It is on the ground, however, that Snell excels. His ability to pick up the ball and get away with it from all manner of adverse situations leaves him without a peer in this department of the game.
Perhaps, however, his chief claim to be classed as the best footballer playing the game today is his super-effectiveness in disposing of the ball to the advantage of his side. His half-distance passing and stab kicking leave little to be desired. Possibly it may be argued that in a recent encounter Sexton, of Glenelg, outclassed Snell. Quite true, but for anyone to expect Snell to outclass his immediate opponent Saturday after Saturday is expecting too much. Footballers, like all humans, are never absolutely consistent. They are not machines.
Another point in favor of the brilliant red-and-black pivot is that he can meet shock tactics without flinching. Scrupulously fair in his game, Snell can still give and take a bump with the best.

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After Snell, A. J. Ryan (right) must be mentioned. This brilliant South Adelaide player is a champion at moving into position. He exploits the open spaces on the field. Ryan has few claims to aerial ability, but he leads out in faultless style. If his team-mates can pass the ball reasonably well. Ryan's superb leading out brings him well into the picture. Like Snell, he is a good kick, either full or half-distance. In addition he is tricky when in possession.
A particular ruse of his that has carried him past many an opponent is to hold the ball as though he meant to punch it to a team-mate. This is done so realistically that the opponent jumps to intercept the flight of the ball. Meanwhile Ryan, immediately the opponent has jumped, calmly swerves to one side, and passing his rival takes his time in disposing of the ball to advantage.
Although Ryan is now a centre player, for several seasons he figured as a rover, and then as goalsneak. In addition he has performed with distinction at half-forward. Like most good footballers, Ryan has a clean record in the game.

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Who comes third on the list? Perhaps L. C. Dayman (left), of Port, on his present form, is entitled to the distinction. Although he has been playing for a number of years, Dayman is giving of his best this season. I have heard it said that he is now enjoying better health than in recent years. Dayman is a brilliant high mark. When West defeated Port on the Adelaide Oval on June 3 the Port forward was the only player of the 36 who could mark the wet ball in the crushes. Although having missed two games this season through injury, Dayman is in the leading division of the goalkicking specialists of the league.
Dayman, although of greatest use to Port in attack, can also take his place in the ruck. His kicking, although not deadly in accuracy, is fairly reliable. His combined play with other Port forwards has demonstrated unselfishness.

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After Dayman, mention must be made of R. Osborn (right), the dashing Torrens half-back. As well as being a brilliant footballer, Osborn is an ace-high sportsman. He is the type of player who is admired by all followers of the game. Mean actions and the bearing of Osborn on the football field are as wide apart as the poles. In his seven years of league football, first with Sturt and then with Torrens, Osborn has always made the ball his objective. He can exchange a bump with the best, but playing the man is no part of his game.
At centre half-back Osborn has performed brilliantly for the gold-and-blues this year. It must be recognised that this is his best year in league football. He is a brilliant mark, and, if unsuccessful in the air, is quick to contest the issue on the ground. Having once gained possession, be can be relied upon to get his kick, which is invariably a 50-yard drop kick, sending the ball well out of the danger zone.
Few players earn the esteem of the public as Osborn has done. Few have the all-round ability that is his. These qualities and his consistency should make him a serious candidate for the Magarey Medal this season. Although limited to the confines of a ful-back pocket position last Saturday, he was generally acclaimed the best player of the South Australian side. I have heard it said that be will play centre half-back for this State in the matches against Western Australia in Perth next month.

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After Osborn, mention must be made of J. Wade (left), the hefty young Port ruckman. It is not generally known that Wade is, as yet, in his early twenties. On present form I consider this lad from Berri the best ruck player in the State. Some may class him as ungainly and awkward, but so long as a player 'delivers the goods' of what account his style?
Wade is big-boned and hefty. His opponents could tell you all about this, as he gets right into the thick of the play. It would be greatly to his advantage if a return were made to the old rules providing for the throw-in from the boundary. Despite his awkward style. Wade has a fair turn of speed. He marks well and is good, for his size, on the ground. He should have a particularly bright football career ahead of him.

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Now the difficulty arises, who is to be number six? Several have claims, but whose is the strongest? A. Payne, the effective West Adelaide rover, is a great footballer. W. Scott is still a champion for Norwood. J. Handby, of Glenelg, has not been quite up to form since the first match against Victoria. The winner of last season's Magarey Medal is a great footballer. I will pass over them all for Mutton (right), the vigorous Norwood hall-forward.
Mutton is not brilliant in the air. He is a player of generous physique, and he plays a vigorous game. Playing at half-forward, he leads out well, and when in possession makes a beeline goalward. Little does it matter if opponents bar his path. Mutton, in the football world, typifies applied vigor. Nevertheless, his methods are fair and his play clean. In the interstate game last Saturday Mutton acquitted himself well. He was the pick of the forwards, and scored, three goals.
For Norwood, Mutton has been a tower of strength this season, and must be considered the outstanding player of that team. His play is largely responsible for the prominent position the redlegs occupy on the premiership list.
Title: Who are the Six Best Footballers in South Australia?
Author: Pat O'Grady
Publisher: The Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1912 - 1954)
Date: Saturday 20 July 1929, page 11
Web: http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/58621803
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