Australian Football Celebrating the history of the great Australian game


South Melbourne Honour Board

Pres. / Chair
CEO / GM / Sec.
Lead GK
2024 2 Pridham, Andrew Harley, Tom Longmire, John Mills, Callum Heeney, Isaac Amartey, Joel (43)
2023 8 Pridham, Andrew Harley, Tom Longmire, John Mills, Callum
Parker, Luke
Rampe, Dane
Gulden, Errol Papley, Tom (37)
2022 2 Pridham, Andrew Harley, Tom Longmire, John Mills, Callum
Parker, Luke
Rampe, Dane
Mills, Callum Franklin, Lance (52)
2021 7 Pridham, Andrew Harley, Tom Gardiner, Charlie Longmire, John Kennedy, Josh
Parker, Luke
Rampe, Dane
Parker, Luke Franklin, Lance (51)
2020 16 Pridham, Andrew Harley, Tom Gardiner, Charlie Longmire, John Kennedy, Josh
Parker, Luke
Rampe, Dane
Lloyd, Jake Papley, Tom (26)
2019 15 Pridham, Andrew Harley, Tom Gardiner, Charlie Longmire, John Kennedy, Josh
Parker, Luke
Rampe, Dane
Rampe, Dane Papley, Tom (37)
2018 7 Pridham, Andrew Ireland, Andrew Harley, Tom Longmire, John Kennedy, Josh Lloyd, Jake Franklin, Lance (57)
2017 5 Pridham, Andrew Ireland, Andrew Harley, Tom Longmire, John Kennedy, Josh Parker, Luke Franklin, Lance (73)
2016 2 Pridham, Andrew Ireland, Andrew Harley, Tom Longmire, John McVeigh, Jarrad
Jack, Kieran
Kennedy, Josh Franklin, Lance (81)
2015 5 Pridham, Andrew Ireland, Andrew Laing, Tim Harley, Tom Longmire, John McVeigh, Jarrad
Jack, Kieran
Kennedy, Josh Franklin, Lance (47)
2014 2 Pridham, Andrew Ireland, Andrew Moore, Dean Longmire, John McVeigh, Jarrad
Jack, Kieran
Parker, Luke Franklin, Lance (79)
2013 4 Colless, Richard Ireland, Andrew Moore, Dean Longmire, John McVeigh, Jarrad
Jack, Kieran
McVeigh, Jarrad Tippett, Kurt (35)
2012 1 Colless, Richard Ireland, Andrew Moore, Dean Longmire, John Goodes, Adam
McVeigh, Jarrad
Kennedy, Josh Jetta, Lewis (45)
2011 6 Colless, Richard Ireland, Andrew Longmire, John Goodes, Adam
McVeigh, Jarrad
Goodes, Adam Goodes, Adam (41)
2010 5 Colless, Richard Ireland, Andrew Roos, Paul Goodes, Adam
Kirk, Brett
Bolton, Craig
Jack, Kieren Goodes, Adam (44)
2009 12 Colless, Richard Baron-Hay, Myles Roos, Paul Goodes, Adam
Kirk, Brett
Bolton, Craig
O'Keefe, Ryan Goodes, Adam (38)
2008 5 Colless, Richard Baron-Hay, Myles Roos, Paul Barry, Leo
Bolton, Craig
Kirk, Brett
McVeigh, Jarrad Hall, Barry (41)
2007 7 Colless, Richard Baron-Hay, Myles Roos, Paul Hall, Barry
Barry, Leo
Kirk, Brett
Kirk, Brett Hall, Barry (44)
2006 2 Colless, Richard Baron-Hay, Myles Roos, Paul Hall, Barry
Barry, Leo
Kirk, Brett
Goodes, Adam Hall, Barry (78)
2005 1 Colless, Richard Baron-Hay, Myles Roos, Paul Maxfield, Stuart Kirk, Brett Hall, Barry (80)
2004 5 Colless, Richard Baron-Hay, Myles Roos, Paul Maxfield, Stuart Hall, Barry Hall, Barry (74)
2003 3 Colless, Richard Seary, Colin
Baron-Hay, Myles
Roos, Paul Maxfield, Stuart Goodes, Adam Hall, Barry (64)
2002 11 Colless, Richard Templeton, Kelvin Eadem Rodney
Roos, Paul
Kelly, Paul Williams, Paul Hall, Barry (55)
2001 7 Colless, Richard Templeton, Kelvin Eade, Rodney Kelly, Paul Williams, Paul O'Loughlin, Michael (35)
2000 10 Colless, Richard Templeton, Kelvin Eade, Rodney Kelly, Paul Schauble, Andrew O'Loughlin, Michael (53)
1999 8 Colless, Richard Templeton, Kelvin Eade, Rodney Kelly, Paul Schwass, Wayne Lockett, Tony (82)
1998 5 Colless, Richard Templeton, Kelvin Eade, Rodney Kelly, Paul O'Loughlin, Michael Lockett, Tony (109)
1997 9 Colless, Richard Templeton, Kelvin Eade, Rodney Kelly, Paul Kelly, Paul Lockett, Tony (37)
1996 2 Colless, Richard Templeton, Kelvin Eade, Rodney Kelly, Paul Kelly, Paul Lockett, Tony (121)
1995 12 Weinert, Peter
Colless, Richard
Curtain, John Barassi, Ron Kelly, Paul Lockett, Tony Lockett, Tony (110)
1994 15 Weinert, Peter
Colless, Richard
Joseph, Ron Barassi, Ron Kelly, Paul Cresswell, Daryn Minton-Connell, Simon (68)
1993 15 Willesee, Michael
Weinart, Peter
Schwab, Alan
Gannon, Ken
Rogers, Barry Buckenara, Gary
Scott, Brett
Barassi, Ron
Kelly, Paul Kelly, Paul Minton-Connell, Simon (41)
1992 15 Willesee, Michael
Gerahty, John
Rogers, Barry Buckenara, Gary Carroll, Dennis Kelly, Paul Minton-Connell, Simon (60)
1991 12 Willesee, Michael
Gerahty, John
Rogers, Barry Kinnear, Col Carroll, Dennis Mitchell, Barry Love, Jason (52)
1990 13 Willesee, Michael Breen, Barry
Rogers, Barry
Kinnear, Col Carroll, Dennis Wright, Stephen West, Jim (34)
1989 7 Willesee, Michael
Gerahty, John
Breen, Barry Kinnear, Col Carroll, Dennis Bayes, Mark Toohey, Bernard (27)
1988 7 Sutherland, Doug
Gatt, Graeme
Thomas, Ron
Breen, Barry
Hafey, Tom CarrolL, Dennis Healy, Gerard Mitchell, Barry (35)
1987 4 Sutherland, Doug Thomas, Ron Hafey, Tom Carroll, Dennis Healy, Gerard Capper, Warwick (103)
1986 4 Edelsten, Geoff
Sutherland, Doug
Thomas, Ron Hafey, Tom Carroll, Dennis Healy, Gerard Capper, Warwick (92)
1985 10 Edelsten, Geoff Roach, Don Northey, John Browning, Mark Wright, Stephen Capper, Warwick (45)
1984 10 Edgley, Michael Lyons, Barry Quade, Ricky
Hammond, Bob
Round, Barry
Browning, Mark
Evans, Bernie Capper, Warwick (39)
1983 11 Edgley, Michael Dixon, Brian
Lyons, Barry
Quade, Ricky Round, Barry Browning, Mark Braddy, Craig (48)
1982 7 Collins, Bill
Hardy, James
Rogers, Barry
Dixon, Brian
Quade, Ricky Round, Barry Ackerly, David Morwood, Tony (45)
1981 9 John, Graeme
Keogh, John
Marks, Jack
Rogers, Barry Stewart, Ian Round, Barry Round, Barry Roberts, John (51)
1980 6 John, Graeme Newman, Jack
Marks, Jack
Stewart, Ian Round, Barry Ackerly, David Roberts, John (67)
1979 10 Stewart, Ian Quade, Ricky Round, Barry Morwood, Tony (56)
1978 8 Tuddenham, Des Quade, Ricky Murphy, John Murphy, John (31)
1977 5 Stewart, Ian Quade, Ricky Teasdale, Graham Teasdale, Graham (38)
1976 8 Stewart, Ian Bedford, Peter Quade, Ricky Dean, Robert (37)
1975 12 John, Graeme Bedford, Peter Bedford, Peter Teasdale, Graham (38)
1974 9 John, Graeme Bedford, Peter Goss, Norm Goss, Norm (37)
1973 12 John, Graeme Bedford, Peter Bedford, Peter Bedford, Peter (52)
1972 11 Smith, Norm Rantall, John Cook, Russell Bedford, Peter (28)
1971 12 Smith, Norm Skilton, Bob Bedford, Peter Bedford, Peter (44)
1970 4 Smith, Norm Skilton, Bob Bedford, Peter Sudholz, John (60)
1969 9 Smith, Norm Rantall, John Bedford, Peter Sudholz, John (35)
1968 9 Miller, Allan Skilton, Bob Skilton, Bob Sudholz, John (36)
1967 9 Miller, Allan Skilton, Bob Skilton, Bob Sudholz, John (35)
1966 8 Skilton, Bob Skilton, Bob Papley, Max Robertson, Austin Jnr (60)
1965 8 Skilton, Bob Skilton, Bob Skilton, Bob Kingston, Bob (48)
1964 11 McMahan, Noel Skilton, Bob Skilton, Bob Papley, Max (25)
1963 11 McMahan, Noel Skilton, Bob Skilton, Bob Skilton, Bob (36)
1962 12 McMahan, Noel Skilton, Bob Skilton, Bob Skilton, Bob (36)
1961 11 White, Joe Faul, Bill Skilton, Bob Skilton, Bob McGowan, Brian (38)
1960 8 White, Joe Faul, Bill Clegg, Ron Johnson, Frank Oaten, Max (39)
1959 9 Cullen, J.P. White, Joe Clegg, Ron Clegg, Ron Skilton, Bob Skilton, Bob (60)
1958 9 Cullen, J.P. White, Joe Clegg, Ron Clegg, Ron Skilton, Bob Oaten, Max (34)
1957 10 Cullen, J.P. White, Joe Matthews, Herbie Clegg, Ron Taylor, Jim Goldsmith, Fred (43)
1956 9 Cullen, J.P. White, Joe Matthews, Herbie GiUett, Ian Dorgan, Jim Gunn, Bill (28)
1955 10 Cullen, J.P. White, Joe Matthews, Herbie Gunn, Bill Gillett, Ian Lane, Eddie (36)
1954 10 Cullen, J.P. White, Joe Matthews, Herbie Clegg, Ron Lane, Eddie Lane, Eddie (28)
1953 8 Cullen, J.P. White, Joe Nash, Laurie Clegg, Ron Taylor, Jim Gillett, Ian (34)
1952 5 Cullen, J.P. White, Joe Lane, Gordon Lane, Gordon Schaefer, Keith Lane, Gordon (33)
1951 8 Cullen, J.P. White, Joe Lane, Gordon Lane, Gordon Clegg, Ron Williams, Billy (41)
1950 11 Cullen, J.P. White, Joe Lane, Gordon Lane, Gordon Williams, Billy Lane, Gordon (47)
1949 10 Cullen, J.P. Hale, Jack Lucas, Bert Clegg, Ron Jones, Dick (27)
1948 10 Cullen, J.P. Adams, Bill
Hale, Jack
Graham, Jack Clegg, Ron Graham, Jack (33)
1947 8 Cullen, J.P. Adams, Bill Graham, Jack Williams, Billy Williams, Billy (38)
1946 7 Cullen, J.P. Adams, Bill Graham, Jack Williams, Billy Mears, Harry (32)
1945 2 Adams, Bill Matthews, Herbie Graham, Jack Nash, Laurie (56)
1944 7 Kelly, Joe Matthews, Herbie
Graham, Jack
Cleary, Jim Hartridge, Ron (31)
1943 8 Kelly, Joe Matthews, Herbie Matthews, Herbie Culph, Charlie (35)
1942 3 Kelly, Joe Matthews, Herbie Cleary, Jim White, Lindsay (80)
1941 8 Kelly, Joe Matthews, Herbie Ritchie, Rex Graham, Jack (33)
1940 10 Baggott, Jack Matthews, Herbie Matthews, Herbie Reiffel, Lou (33)
1939 12 Mullaly, Dick Matthews, Herbie Matthews, Herbie Matthews, Herbie Pratt, Bob (72)
1938 12 Mullaly, Dick Cazaly, Roy Matthews, Herbie
Thomas, Len
Thomas, Len Moore, Roy (34)
1937 9 Mullaly, Dick Cazaly, Roy Nash, Laurie Matthews, Herbie Nash, Laurie (37)
1936 2 Mullaly, Dick Bisset, Jack Bisset, Jack Matthews, Herbie Pratt, Bob (64)
1935 2 Mullaly, Dick Bisset, Jack Bisset, Jack Hillis, Ron Pratt, Bob (103)
1934 2 Mullaly, Dick Bisset, Jack Bisset, Jack Brain, Terry Pratt, Bob (150)
1933 1 Mullaly, Dick Bisset, Jack Bisset, Jack Clarke, Harry Pratt, Bob (109)
1932 4 Mullaly, Dick Leonard, Johnny Leonard, Johnny Faul, Bill Pratt, Bob (71)
1931 7 Mullaly, Dick Scanlan, Paddy Scanlan, Joe Thomas, Len Robertson, Austin (38)
1930 7 Mullaly, Dick Scanlan, Paddy Scanlan, Joe Hillis, Ron Robertson, Austin (54)
1929 8 Mullaly, Dick Caldwell. Jim
Fleiter, Fred
Petchell, Jack
Stanbridge, Charlie
Wheelahan, Danny Robertson, Austin (53)
1928 10 Pannam, Charlie Pannam, Charlie
Scanlan, Joe
Stanbridge, Charlie Johnson, Ted (60)
1927 6 Pannam, Charlie Pannam, Charlie McKay, Hec Johnson, Ted (50)
1926 5 Pannam, Charlie Scanlan, Paddy
Pannam, Charlie
Cazaly, Roy Johnson, Ted (45)
1925 8 Pannam, Charlie Scanlan, Paddy Johnson, Ted (60)
1924 4 Pannam, Charlie Scanlan, Paddy Johnson, Ted (60)
1923 3 Pannam, Charlie Scanlan, Paddy Johnson, Ted (44)
1922 9 Cazaly, Roy Cazaly, Roy
Tandy, Mark
Cazaly, Roy (28)
1921 7 Howson, Bert Wood, Artie Willis, Carl Cazaly, Roy (19)
1920 5 Howson, Bert Hiskins, Arthur Belcher, Vic Wootton, Stan (28)
1919 3 Howson, Bert Howson, Bert
Elms, Sonny
Caldwell, Jim Robertson, Harold (38)
1918 1 Howson, Bert Howson, Bert
Elms, Sonny
Caldwell, Jim Ryan, Gerald (32)
1917 4 Howson, Bert Belcher, Vic Belcher, Vic Morgan, Harry (23)
1916 Howson, Bert
1915 5 Howson, Bert Belcher, Vic Belcher, Vic Morgan, Harry (48)
1914 2 Howson, Bert Belcher, Vic Belcher, Vic Freeman, Jack (36)
1913 3 Howson, Bert Kelly, Harvey Belcher, Vic Strang, Bill (29)
1912 2 Howson, Bert Ricketts, Charlie Ricketts, Charlie Mortimer, Len (40)
1911 3 Skinner, Henry Howson, Bert Thomas, Bill Thomas, Bill Mortimer, Len (44)
1910 3 Skinner, Henry Howson, Bert Thomas, BilL Thomas, Bill Mortimer, Len (28)
1909 1 Skinner, Henry Howson, Bert Ricketts, Charlie Ricketts, Charlie Mortimer, Len (50)
1908 5 Skinner, Henry Howson, Bert Dolphin, Bill Mortimer, Len (40)
1907 2 Skinner, Henry Howson, Bert Dolphin, Bill Mortimer, Len (37)
1906 5 Skinner, Henry Howson, Bert Howson, Bert Mortimer, Len (24)
1905 5 Skinner, Henry Howson, Bert McGee, Bill
Fogarty, Tom
Clements, Charles (31)
1904 5 Skinner, Henry Howson, Bert McGee, Bill Clements, Charles (37)
1903 8 Fogarty, Tom Goding, Charlie (10)
1902 5 Windley, Bill Goding, Charlie (19)
1901 6 Trim, Albert Lampe, Harry (20)
1900 6 Davidson, George
Windley, Bill
Lampe, Harry (16)
1899 2 Adamson, Dave Colgan, Charlie (27)
1898 5 Fraser, Bill Colgan, Charlie (13)
1897 5 Fraser, Bill McKay, Dinny (14)
1896 2
1895 5
1894 3
1893 4
1892 6 Elms, Sonny
1891 4 Elms, Sonny
1890 1 Elms, Sonny
1889 1 Elms, Sonny
1888 1 Elms, Sonny
1887 3 Elms, Sonny
1886 2 Elms, Sonny
1885 1 Elms, Sonny
1884 4
1883 2
1882 3
1881 1
1880 2
1879 3


* Behinds calculated from the 1965 season on.
+ Score at the end of extra time.