Celebrating the history of the great Australian game
Scoreboard | Match report | Match statistics
Round: 4 Venue: M.C.G. Date: Sat, 16-05-1914 3:00 pm Crowd: 5,818 | |||||
University | 2.1.13 | 6.3.39 | 7.3.45 | 11.5.71 | C: Gerald Brosnan |
Geelong | 5.1.31 | 5.4.34 | 8.8.56 | 13.9.87 | C: Billy Orchard |
GEEL by 18 | UNI by 5 | GEEL by 11 | GEEL by 16 |
There was only a small attendance to witness the meeting of Geelong and University on the Melbourne Cricket-ground. This can be easily accounted for. The bulk of Geelong's supporters, faced with a journey of about 45 miles to the metropolis, are naturally content to let their best wishes take the place of personal support, except on special occasions, while University, being in their novitiate, so far as League football is concerned, cannot yet command the numerous following which success brings in its train. The crowd, moreover, was very sparse, and its apparent lack of enthusiasm was reflected in the play, which in the earlier stages of the game was decidedly uninspiring. After the interval, however, it brightened up tremendously, and a game, which at one period looked like a runaway victory developed into an exciting struggle, the issue of which was in doubt almost up to the final bell. In Geelong's colours Moulden, Burleigh, Gray, and Rankin replaced Grigg, R. Brownlees, Freeman, and Allen; while University found room for Brake and Houghton, McIntosh and Schraeder standing down.
Within a few minutes of the bounce Orchard scored Geelong's first goal. Returning to the attack, they were beaten off in turn by Kelly and Gibbs, but Burleigh broke through the defence, and second goal was hoisted. Park, for University, had two angle shots in quick succession, the second raising the two flags. A chain of marks—Dalton to Brownlees to Orchard—enabled Martini to snap Geelong's third goal. After more give and take play, in which each side scored minor points, Patten passed to Marks, and the students' second goal resulted. Alec Eason and Moulden (from an angle) each responded for Geelong, and the quarter ended with the scores—Geelong, 5 goals 1 behind; University, 2 goals 1 behind.
On resuming Geelong were the first to attack, but their opponents were quick to respond. Some pretty concerted play between Woods, Gibbs, Stephens, and Willis put Geelong's goal in danger. From the lastnamed's kick the ball beat the goalkeeper, and West, seizing the opportunity, popped it through. Park, who was doing good work forward, added his side's fourth and fifth goals, then Marks, with a fine, long drop-kick, secured the sixth, putting the students for the first time in the lead. Encouraged by this burst of success, University attacked again, a fine bit of play being witnessed between Marks, Doubleday, and West. The latter's shot, however, raised only one flag. Geelong rallied, but could only manage a couple of behinds before the bell, the totals then reading:—University, 6 goals 3 behinds; Geelong, 5 goals 4 behinds.
After the adjournment University for the second time changed their ruck, Brake, Marks, and Vines relieving Gibbs, Patten, and Hinman. Geelong were content to rely on the trio who had done service the previous quarter—Gray, Marsham, and Heinz. Geelong were the first to attack. Burleigh's lofty punt was marked by Brownlees, who, from an acute angle, hit the post. The game was now much faster, and had lost much of the scrambling and lack of cohesion which marked its initial stages. Brownlees had another chance, but this time he went one worse, hitting the behind post. After a period of scrambling play around Geelong's goal the visitors again assumed the aggressive. Martini, marking from Rankin, scored from a place shot, and shortly afterwards Bill Eason, after kicking poorly, secured the ball again, and this time made no mistake. Following on a period of even play Marsham got Geelong's eighth goal in unusual circumstances. His kick sent the ball well forward, but, Brake having gone over the mark, the umpire ordered the ball back, and Marsham at his second try profited fully by his opponent's breach. Willis, running up to goal, scored again for University before the quarter ended, the scores being:—Geelong, 8 goals 8 behind; University, 7 goals 3 behinds.
It was getting dusk as the final term was entered upon, and it became had to distinguish individual performers. University were first to show out, Park securing their eighth goal, which left them only five points in arrears. Returning to the charge, they were repulsed by Alec Eason and Gray. From a mark Orchard kicked to Marsham, who in turn lodged the ball with Martini, the latter, from a long shot, placing Geelong temporarily out of danger. The collaboration of Dalton, Marsham, and Alec Eason brought the visitors' tenth goal, through subsequent events proved they were by no means out of the wood. The fortunes of the game fluctuated for a time. Brake secured University's ninth goal, and Bill Eason the visitors' eleventh. Willis raised the hopes of the students' supporters when be gained his side's tenth goal; but Bill Eason and Heinz placed the result beyond doubt by each adding a goal for the visitors. University went down fighting, however, and, as a result of their attack, West, from a free kick, scored their eleventh goal. They had time to add another behind before the bell went, with the tallies:—
GEELONG, 13 goals 9 behinds (87 points).
UNIVERSITY, 11 goals 5 behinds (71 points).
In a game in which individual merit was a feature, as opposed to team work, it is hard to pick anyone for special mention. The winners played an even side, those most prominent being, perhaps, Martini (3 goals), Bill Eason (3 goals), Burleigh, Alec Eason, Moulden, Marsham, Orchard, Heinz, Gray, and Dalton. For University no one did better than Kelly, whose dashing work in defence was one of the good things of the afternoon. Other to do well against a more experienced side were Park (4 goals), Marks, Brake, Willis, Neale, Doubleday, West, and Patten. The umpire (Wickham) kept the game well in hand.
Title: Geelong defeat University. A resolute finish.
Author: Observer
Publisher: The Argus (Melbourne, Vic: 1848 - 1957)
Date: Monday, 18 May 1914, p.4
Thanks to Stephen Wade for helping to prepare this report.
University |
Match Stats
# |
Player |
K |
M |
H |
D |
G |
B |
HO |
T |
FF |
FA |
Age |
Games |
G |
1 | Brake, Jack | 1 | 23y 186d | 72 | 17 | |||||||||
21 | Don, Wally | 0 | 22y 233d | 3 | 0 | |||||||||
4 | Doubleday, Jack | 0 | 23y 353d | 26 | 8 | |||||||||
9 | Gibbs, Dick | 0 | 21y 101d | 25 | 2 | |||||||||
10 | Heron, Wilfrid | 0 | 19y 300d | 15 | 2 | |||||||||
14 | Hinman, Bill | 0 | 21y 319d | 25 | 2 | |||||||||
3 | Houghton, Will | 0 | 24y 131d | 2 | 0 | |||||||||
17 | Kelly, Lester | 0 | 22y 91d | 31 | 0 | |||||||||
19 | Marks, Les | 2 | 21y 153d | 4 | 3 | |||||||||
18 | Neale, Stan | 0 | 20y 134d | 18 | 0 | |||||||||
11 | Park, Roy | 4 | 21y 290d | 34 | 87 | |||||||||
25 | Patton, Reuben | 0 | 30y 274d | 2 | 0 | |||||||||
16 | Rodriguez, Percy | 0 | 21y 131d | 4 | 1 | |||||||||
20 | Stephens, Westmore | 0 | 22y 108d | 10 | 0 | |||||||||
27 | Vines, Ashley | 0 | 23y 120d | 9 | 0 | |||||||||
2 | West, Jack | 2 | 25y 88d | 64 | 15 | |||||||||
7 | Willis, Carl | 2 | 21y 54d | 34 | 34 | |||||||||
6 | Woods, Eric | 0 | 21y 155d | 22 | 0 | |||||||||
Rushed | 5 | |||||||||||||
Totals | 11 | 5 | 22y 259d | 400 | 171 |
Geelong |
Match Stats
# |
Player |
K |
M |
H |
D |
G |
B |
HO |
T |
FF |
FA |
Age |
Games |
G |
7 | Armstrong, Les | 0 | 26y 334d | 97 | 0 | |||||||||
25 | Baker, Jack | 0 | 22y 158d | 12 | 5 | |||||||||
17 | Brownlees, Tom | 0 | 22y 208d | 22 | 44 | |||||||||
Burleigh, Gordon | 1 | 25y 53d | 1 | 1 | ||||||||||
12 | Dalton, Bert | 0 | 22y 267d | 45 | 0 | |||||||||
26 | Eason, Alec | 2 | 24y 189d | 82 | 49 | |||||||||
15 | Eason, Bill | 3 | 32y 152d | 189 | 162 | |||||||||
2 | Fairbairn, Les | 0 | 25y 21d | 54 | 19 | |||||||||
20 | Gray, Jack | 0 | 28y 272d | 36 | 4 | |||||||||
18 | Healy, Leo | 0 | 23y 208d | 48 | 17 | |||||||||
1 | Heinz, George | 1 | 22y 220d | 72 | 53 | |||||||||
3 | Marsham, Harry | 1 | 23y 301d | 70 | 39 | |||||||||
14 | Martini, Percy | 3 | 25y 346d | 81 | 208 | |||||||||
4 | McCarter, Billy | 0 | 25y 205d | 22 | 1 | |||||||||
19 | Moulden, Bill | 1 | 24y 320d | 2 | 1 | |||||||||
11 | Orchard, Billy | 1 | 25y 280d | 93 | 55 | |||||||||
13 | Rankin, Bert | 0 | 21y 88d | 5 | 0 | |||||||||
23 | Wilton, Billy | 0 | 25y 60d | 19 | 8 | |||||||||
Rushed | 9 | |||||||||||||
Totals | 13 | 9 | 24y 345d | 950 | 666 |